For I Will Rise Again

February 14, 2011

As I think about many challenges that come our way, I think of a song my father would sing. Usually around Easter or Resurrection Celebration, he would sing "Rise Again" and the lyrics are as follows:

Go ahead, drive the nails in my hands
Laugh at me where you stand.
Go ahead and say it isn't me,
The day will come when you will see.

'Cause I'll rise again.
Ain't no power on earth can tie me down.
Oh yes, I'll rise again.
Death can't keep me in the ground.

Go ahead and mock my name,
My love for you is still the same.
Go ahead and bury me,
But very soon I will be free.

'Cause I'll rise again.
Ain't no power on earth can tie me down.
Yes, I'll rise again.
Death can't keep me in the ground.

Go ahead and say I'm dead and gone,
You will see that you were wrong.
Go ahead, try to hide the Son,
But all will see that I'm the one.

Because I'll rise again.
Ain't no power on earth can keep me back.
Yes, I'll rise again.
Come to take my people back.

And I'll rise again.
Ain't no power on earth can tie me down.
Yes, I'll rise again.
Death can't keep me in the ground.

Lyrics: and Music:
Copyright © Dallas Holmes

It’s so interesting how this song was written to reflect the life and efforts of demise of our Savior, Jesus Christ yet metaphorically, can be a depiction of our own lives. You see, our adversary, wounded people and/or circumstances in our lives will try and ‘drive nails in our hands’, meaning they will try and make us responsible for things, people, behaviors, or decisions that have nothing to do with us. And when we try to appease or accommodate that thing or person for the sake of peace, it becomes a trap and they then begin to laugh as though now they've got us where they wanted us in the first place – trapped. They will try and say you are not who you testify to be or God says you are. They will try and convince you that you are who they want you to be to convene their agenda, but soon they will see they were the ones deceived.

For you WILL RISE AGAIN. There is no power on earth that can tie you down because you are more than the average Joe. You are called a son/daughter of the most High God. You are an heir of His Kingdom; you more than a conqueror; the head and not the tail… You are a royal priesthood; the Apple of His Eye – which means He (GOD) will do everything it takes to protect you and see you to His appointed destination.

They will mock you; laugh and make fun of who God has called you to be; your circumstance may cause you to question your identity, your worth, your purpose, and more but because of who you are in Christ, you will forgive them and love them just the same. They will try and overtake you with their double standards, insults, judgments, and mischievous deeds. They will overwhelm you or bury you with what they think you ought to be doing and may even try to bring you down by reminding you of what you may or may not have been before coming to Christ. They may try and make you live by their standards causing you to live outside of the Will of the Father for your life but that won’t last long; He WILL set you free!!

And they will see you RISE AGAIN. There’s no power that can take you out; no power; for no weapon forged against you will prosper. You can’t be tied down; you are an Eagle and must fly. You will rise again. God will heal your wings and you will go higher and farther than your wildest dreams. This kind of death can’t keep you in the ground. You are destined to fly; and fly, you will!

The pressure from these things or people will cause you to think that your time is over in the Lord; that you can only live a cushy comfortable Christian life which tends to be a life of compromise. But you know you were called for greatness; you were called to reach the nations; to set the captive free. They will have you thinking you are a ‘has been’ or a ‘never was’… but you ARE who God says you are! They will have you think that your efforts and effectiveness for the Kingdom was just a stage or a phase you went through; they will try and hide the SON from you saying you don’t need Jesus to work out your problems, He’s for weak people; you don't need Him to accomplish your dreams. Well, they will see the HE IS the ONE and true God; there is NONE like Him and that they are mistaken.

They will see you RISE AGAIN. They will see that nothing they did to you tore you to pieces or stopped you in your tracks. No power, no circumstance, no issue can tie you down. Nothing can stop you. You are unstoppable in Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit...You WILL RISE AGAIN! These conditions are a temporary distraction from your destiny. Your deliverance is coming. You will see; and they will see. And you WILL go forth in Jesus Name.

It’s time to look your adversary in the face and tell him/her/it: You can say or do what you wish but the favor of God is on my life and I WILL RISE AGAIN!!!

Amen! God bless you!!

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