About TriumphantDee  

tri·um·phant (trī-ŭm'fənt) - adj. Exulting in success or victory. Victorious; Conquering. Obsolete, Magnificent; Splendid.

God bless!!!

For those who do not know or remember me, my name is DANA DEE MONTEIRO. I have at minimum15 years extensive experience with ministry in the capacity of WORSHIP and ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT and more.

I wanted to reach out to tell you a little about what I’ve been doing as far as ministry goes. Shortly after moving to PA in 2009, I was assisting a church plant here for 9 months where I worked very closely with the Pastors as ADMINISTRATOR/SECRETARY, PUBLIC RELATIONS, as well as WORSHIP LEADER and GUEST SPEAKER when necessary. God has opened so many doors here and I cannot thank Him enough for all that He is orchestrating.

The ministry He has given me is called TriumphantDee Ministries, which was publically announced with my DEMO ‘Transformame’ in 2006 and has been in the works since:

2 Corinthians 2:14 NIV
But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.

TriumphantDee is who I am and through my music, my story will be told world-wide. More than that, I truly believe people will be saved, healed, set free, and delivered through the message of God’s redeeming power.

See, God has rescued me from the death penalty of my sin and generational sins – He made a way of escape for me. Like you, I’ve had many ups and downs; I know what it is to be abandoned, rejected, mistreated, and abused – in every sense of the word;

BUT, I also know what it is to experience God’s love and compassion, His sweet and comforting embrace, His peace that surpasses all understanding; His redemption, and forgiveness, deliverance, infilling, …and even His incredible healing touch.

Knowing His hand is upon my life is more than enough to sustain me and keep me going forward; toward His promises and purpose for my life.

His word must be preached and His power demonstrated throughout the nations. Jesus Christ must be made known. The Bible tells us in Mark 16:15 to ‘Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.’ That news is, no matter how dim things may seem, there is a God who loves you and is waiting for you to welcome Him so He may embrace you and wrap you in His arms. He wants to be close to you, to love and protect you – He just asks that you let Him into those dark areas so He can guide you through them.

I ask that as you navigate this website, and continue reading about TriumphantDee and the ministry, that you begin to pray for the mighty work that God has in store for the nations through the obedience of the ministry. Also, please pray as we go forth in His name proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and demonstrating His compassion for souls, and His transformation power throughout the nations.

Lastly, please consider partnering with us in prayer, in funding, as well as your presence when we are in your area so this mission may be accomplished in Jesus Name. Thank you for your support. Thank you for taking the time to navigate and read through our website. May you be blessed in Jesus Name!

Pictures and soundclips will be posted soon.
Please stay tuned. God bless!!!

Dana - TriumphantDee





TriumphantDee Ministries is a multi-faceted, Christian, non-profit organization that offers to seek the overall wellness of the person, family, and ultimately the community. The many entities that will be involved are:

The Supernatural Worship Experience
By submitting ourselves to Christ, who is the author and finisher of our faith, we live and empower others to live a life of worship, pleasing to God. The expression of music in worship is an integral portion of the ministry and its outreach to the world.

Ministry of Support to Women and Children
by way of coordinating and hosting childcare services as well as support groups for single mothers and divorcés.

Ministry of Support to Men
by way of coordinating and hosting men’s groups to address issues that affect the community.

Ministry to the Community
by way of coordinating and hosting missions efforts, local and abroad, providing food and seasonal clothing drives.

Coordinating and hosting seminars as well as health, nutrition, and fitness advice

Missions & Outreach

TriumphantDee Ministries
strives to deal with the ‘whole’ person meaning that we will not stop ministering after the service is over.


TriumphantDee Ministries understands that Altar Work is the beginning of the healing and wholeness process.

**(Any funding, offerings, and/or donations received for this organization will solely be utilized to furnish the needs of the ministry).

Please feel free to contact me for anything - I am here to serve. All things in prayer and under submission and authority of Jesus Christ.

God bless you richly
Dana D. Monteiro
TriumphantDee Ministries

*Revelation 12:11 NIV “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…”

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